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Generate significant additional revenue by supplying your education to learners around the world

Generate significant additional revenue by supplying your education to learners around the world

The WCEA is the largest global provider of specialist continuing education platforms supplying systems to organizations representing millions of learners in over 100 countries. The WCEA’s role is to market a network of CE internationally, connecting educators with learners around the world.

Our role is to generate international income for you without impacting existing revenue streams.

The platform makes it easier than ever before to distribute your education and ensures that an up-to-date and accessible resource of CE is available to learners worldwide

Revenue Share through Multi-Channel Sales

Courses are sold in a “bundle” with the WCEA taking a share of the revenue generated. The educator has no financial risk and WCEA takes on all the costs of sales and marketing, Learning Management System, technical support, streaming and hosting, country sales tax filing, Pay Per Click (Google advertising) and remarketing.


Selling to organizations and associations
A different revenue share percentage is applied depending on how the bundle of courses is sold.


Examples of Affiliate Bundles

Take a look at some of our current bundles by clicking below. You can search for relevant courses and take a preview.

If you would like further information, or would like to register as an educator on our network, please click here.

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