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The Role of Nutrition in the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases

Hosted & Sponsored by:

Nutrition is the bedrock of health and disease. It is one of the main factors associated with the incidence of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). When balanced and sustained optimal health is promoted whereas if unbalanced it influences the onset, progression, and recovery from ill health throughout the life cycle. An appropriate focus on nutrition has the benefit of preventing, reverting, and limiting associated complications and consequences of NCDs.

Webinar Title: The Role of Nutrition in the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases

1: Increase awareness and understanding of the role of nutrition in preventing and controlling NCDs
2: Empower participants with practical strategies for implementing a healthy and balanced diet to prevent NCDs
3: Facilitate discussions on the role of nutrition in managing NCDs and associated complications

Speaker: Prof. Priscilla Utoo

Priscilla Mwuese Utoo is a Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine at the Benue State University and a Consultant Public Health Physician at the University Teaching Hospital. She holds a Bachelor of Medicine: Bachelor of Surgery (MB, BCh) degree, a postgraduate diploma in Food Preservation, Masters in Public Administration (MPA), and a Fellow of the National Post Graduate Medical College (FMCPH) in Public Health. Dr. Utoo has been certificated in Management and Leadership in health as well as Epidemiology in Global Health. She is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate training and is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Clinical Sciences.

Date: Tuesday, 11th of July 2023

Time: 3 pm Central Africa Time (CAT) / 2 pm West Africa Time (WAT)

Duration: 1 hour

CPD Points: 1